Student Printing

Starting in September 2013 students will start to use a credited printing solution called PaperCut. It will

  • require students to create a PDF first
  • login to the print server with their DWL account (same account they use to login to windows) in a web browser
  • pick their printer
  • submit their pdf to print
  • charge their account for printing

Students receive 20.00 worth of credits and printers will cost 0.10 credits per page. If you run out of credits please speak with the office about how you can get more credits. Don’t share your password to your DWL account as you could be giving away your credits!

Once you have your PDF created, click on the link below and login. Submit your job and select your printer.

Make certain you are connected via the SD60-Student wireless SSID before you click below! 

Dr. Kearney Papercut Service (you must access from inside the school)

Video Walk Through

Instruction Document
Instructions for Student Printing with PaperCut at Dr. Kearney