• Purdy’s Fundraiser

    Orders due November 16th
    Delivery expected at the end of November
    Make sure buyer’s name and phone number is on each form
    Make sure seller’s name and TAG is on each form
    ADD 12% tax  (0.12 x sub-total)
    Cheques payable to DKMS
    Make sure order and payment are in a sealed envelope or baggie

    Profit goes to student activities:  improving the school environment,

  • DKMS Events

    PAC Meeting – Thurs. October 25th at 7:00 pm
    Wacky Wednesday Theme Days

    Oct 31 – Halloween Dress Up
    Nov 7 – Funky Hat
    Nov 14 – Wacky Hair
    Nov 21 – Super Hero
    Nov 28 –