• Prizes! Parents! Guardians! Students!

    Review the DKMS Handbook and Code of Conduct on this website with your child or children. After you have done so, e-mail the vice principal with the following information:

    I have reviewed the DKMS Handbook and Code of Conduct with:
    Child’s Name: ____________________     TAG Teacher: _______________
    (Include names of other children if more than one child attends DKMS.)
    Parent/Guardian Name: ________________


  • Open House!

    There will be an Open House at DKMS on Thursday, September 29th from 7:00pm to 8:00pm.
    A short assembly to introduce staff and to start the evening off will begin at 7:00pm in the gym.
    We hope to see you there!!

  • DK PAC Meeting!

    Dr. Kearney will be having its first PAC meeting for the 2016-17 school year on
    Tuesday September 20, 2016 at 7:00 pm.
    See you there!

  • Bridging the Gap

    Bridging the Gap is a community massage program that helps to foster connection between youth and seniors. Check out this film of a group of Dr. Kearney students visiting the Peace Villa residential care facility and showing the residents there the power of touch.

  • DK Athletics!

    Upcoming Athletics:
    We are very excited to start another year of school and school sports at Dr Kearney!
    This fall we are offering volleyball and cross country running!

    Cross Country Running:
    Coach: Mrs. Moreland- cmoreland@prn.bc.ca
    Cost: $10 Athletic  Fee + Additional Personal Fees to Travel

    Grade 7 Girls:
    Teacher Sponsor: Joanne Bennett- jbennett@prn.bc.ca
    Cost: $30

    Grade 7 Boys:
    Teacher Sponsor: Matthew Logan- mlogan@prn.bc.ca
    Cost: $30

    Grade 8/9 Girls:
    Coach: Lindsay Reynoldson- lreynoldson@prn.bc.ca
    Cost: $300 + $50 Cookie Dough Sales*

    Grade 8/9 Boys:
    Coach: Kim Asai- kasai@prn.bc.ca
    Cost: TBD + $50 Cookie Dough Sales*

    *Cookie Dough Sales: All students have the opportunity to fundraise their fees by selling cookie dough.

  • September – Important Dates!

    Please take note of the following important dates: 
    Tuesday September 20:  School Photos
    Friday September 23: Non-Instructional Day
    Thursday September 29: Open House   7:00-8:00pm 
    Friday September 30: Deadline to pay School Fees

  • Diversity Group

    Diversity Group will still be running this year, Wednesdays at lunch in Room 101. If you would like to join and have never been before, please come! Everyone is welcome.

  • Musical Theater 8/9 Parent Meeting!

    If your student is enrolled in Musical Theatre this year, there will be an important parent meeting on Thursday, September 15 from 7:00-7:30pm.
    If you are unable to attend for whatever reason, please contact Katie Matthews at kmatthews@prn.bc.ca