• November 29 – December 3, 2021

    Important dates
    -November 29 sand 30 – grade 9  transition meetings:  counsellors from NPSS will be continuing their discussion around transition to the high school with the grade 9 classes
    -December 1, 3 – Shane Roy will be presenting to careers classes regarding trades programs.

  • Yearbook

    Yearbooks are on sale.  If you order by Friday, you can have your yearbook personalized with your name and four free icons.  Also, if you order by Friday, the cost is $50 per book.

  • November 22 – November 26 at Kearney

    Reflections for report cards will be due on Monday, November 22, 2021.  These are to be completed in TAG. 

    Early dismissal on Wednesday and Thursday.  Parents can book with teachers for interview times. 

    Students need to sign up for enrichment by Friday. 

  • Parent Teacher Interviews

    Parent-Teacher interview days are fast approaching. We invite all parents/guardians to connect with your child’s teacher(s) on one of the following days: 
    Wednesday, November 24,   2:30 – 4:15 
    Thursday, November 25,       2:30 – 4:15
    Friday, November 26,

  • Enrichment – 2nd term

    Our second Enrichment will begin on December 6, 2021. Students need to choose one of the following and fill out the form that was sent to their learn60 email.   

    Performance & Production
    Acting on stage and behind the scenes. 

  • November 15 to 19, 2021 at Kearney

    For Students to Know: 

    -Reflections for report cards will be due on Monday, November 22, 2021.  These are to be completed in TAG. 

    -Enrichment will end on November 25, 2021.   On Tuesday, November 30 and Thursday,

  • This week at Kearney (November 8-12)

    Important Dates
    November 9 – Remembrance Day Ceremony rehearsal
    November 10 – Remembrance Day Ceremony (Unfortunately, no parents due to covid number restrictions)
    November 11 – Remembrance Day – no school
    November 12 – Find Your Fit –