DK Athletics!

Upcoming Athletics:
We are very excited to start another year of school and school sports at Dr Kearney!
This fall we are offering volleyball and cross country running!
Cross Country Running:
Coach: Mrs. Moreland-
Cost: $10 Athletic  Fee + Additional Personal Fees to Travel
Grade 7 Girls:
Teacher Sponsor: Joanne Bennett-
Cost: $30
Grade 7 Boys:
Teacher Sponsor: Matthew Logan-
Cost: $30
Grade 8/9 Girls:
Coach: Lindsay Reynoldson-
Cost: $300 + $50 Cookie Dough Sales*
Grade 8/9 Boys:
Coach: Kim Asai-
Cost: TBD + $50 Cookie Dough Sales*
*Cookie Dough Sales: All students have the opportunity to fundraise their fees by selling cookie dough. For the grade 8/9s they are required to sell at least $50 worth of cookie dough. Anything profited on top of that $50 will go towards their personal fees. For 8/9s if the $50 is not raised it will be added to the fee. We receive 30% of cookie dough sales.
**Basketball season will start in November. The price for the grade 7 teams will be $30. The price for the grade 8/9 teams will be $300 + $50 Cookie dough sales (please see above).
If there are any parents wanting to coach or help out with teams please contact Ms Reynoldson at