Bridge Builders – Win Regional Competition

In February DKMS had a school-wide bridge building contest.  Bridges were built using spaghetti and glue guns.  The bridges had to have a span of at least 50 cm and hold a weight of 1 kg for 1 minute.

Some of the winning students from DKMS then went on to the Skills Canada Regional Competition in Dawson Creek on March 8th.  They were:
Julia McCabe, Bailey Smith-Fodor, Kerwin Bueckert, Dhillon Bouck, Mckayla Dawson, Leah Thomson, Ariel Pyett, Katherine Wiltse, Dylan Lock, and Parker Heck

Leah Thomson and McKayla Dawson won the competition with a bridge weighing 46.2 grams.  They will compete in bridge building at the Skills Canada Provincial Competition in Vancouver in April.

Thanks to Mr. Relland for organizing the event at the school and for sponsoring these students.