Letter from the Superintendent – Strike Notice

Yesterday a letter from the superintendent was sent home informing parents and guardians that the BCTF and PRNTA had issued strike notice and would begin Phase 1 today, Wednesday, April 23rd.

To see the letter, click here:  Letter April 22

As part of Phase 1, teachers will not be supervising students outside of class time unless there is a safety concern.  In the letter parents and guardians are asked not to bring students to school more than 15 minutes before class and to ensure that students leave the school grounds promptly at the end of the day.

Students at Dr. Kearney will not be allowed to enter the building until 8:30 am.  Additionally, students will need to be picked up by 3:30 pm or they will have to wait outside.  If there is severe weather, we will make accommodations.

On Wednesdays, bus students may continue to wait in or near Room 101 where supervision is provided.