Practice – “Lockdown”

As most of you are aware, schools regularly practice fire drills.  We do this so that students know what to do and how to behave in the event that there is an urgent need to evacuate the building.

The school district is working with the RCMP and schools to ensure that there is also a consistent procedure for practicing a “lockdown.”  (This is aligned with the Ministry of Education’s Safe Schools Initiative.)  A lockdown is something that the school would do in the event that there was a dangerous situation with an intruder in the school.

On Tuesday, February 25th we will be practicing our first lockdown drill at 1:30 pm.  Staff have been talking about the procedure with the students.

We know that safety drills/practices will cause some students to be anxious.  Please discuss the importance of practicing safety procedures and emphasize that this is just a practice.

Letters were sent home with students on Tuesday, February 18th and also via e-mail to parents/guardians whose e-mail addresses we have on file.  A callout was also done.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Wes McKnight or Jerelyn Orcutt at the school – 250-785-8378.

lockdown DKMS