This week at Kearney – Feb 28- March 4, 2022

Dr. Kearney Middle School

Parent Information 

February 28- March 4, 2022

Important dates

Feb 28, 2022 – NID day.  No school for students

March 4, 2022 – Grade 9- Campus selection forms are due.

March 1, 2022 – Self reflections for report cards due to TAG teachers. 

Grade 9 Transitions

Campus selection forms are due March 4, 2022.  


Student Reminders

We are a closed campus which means that students are not allowed off property during the school day.  If you would like your child to have permission to go home at lunch, they need to fill out a form at the office and carry a picture or copy of it on them. (We suggest they take a picture).  If they are leaving during the school day for another reason, they need to have a parent call the office and need to sign out at the office. 


The bathroom stalls are small.  We have made a firm rule that only one person is in the bathroom at a time.  If more than one student is in a single stall, they will be sent home. 


Organization an Issue?

Encourage your child to join our organizational club Wednesdays from 2-3 pm (during collaboration).  Some snacks will be provided.  


Activities (DKAP)

House meetings will be held this week. Here is an update of points: 

Gold: 2073

Red: 1887

Blue: 1588

Green: 1387


This Friday is Kearney Clothing day. Wear Kearney clothing for house points. This week TAGs will be having a lesson on Cyberbullying. 






Are you following us on social media? 

facebook: Dr. Kearney Middle School

instagram: sd60dkms

