Please read the following letter from the Board Office regarding smoking and middle schools. This letter is also available at – in older posts.
Smoking letter
Category: General
Currently DKMS does not have an official Facebook page. There is a Facebook page for DKMS; however, it is being run by a student and not a staff member. While a lot of the information is correct we cannot confirm that all of the posts are accurate and content is appropriate. When we do create an official Facebook page we will let you know.
Welcome Back!!
We hope everyone has had a pleasant summer and is ready for a great new school year!!
Tuesday, September 3rd – Grade 7s ONLY – 9:00-11:00 am
Regular Schedule Begins for ALL Students on Wednesday. Remember –Closed Campus, Lunch, TAG, Smoking
Dr. Kearney Middle School is a CLOSED CAMPUS. This means:
all visitors MUST report to the office – former students need the approval of the principal or vice-principal in order to visit
Grade 7 and 8 students are not allowed to leave the campus UNLESS parents/guardians have signed the permission form (sent home in the package) allowing them to go HOME,PE and Accelerated Math Offered “Outside the Timetable”
Please read the attached document for information about PE 8, PE 9 and Accelerated Math 8/9/10 being offered outside the timetable.
“Outside the Timetable” means that students will not be scheduled into a face-to-face class. They will have a free block every second day at either the beginning or end of the day depending on the course. During this free block there will be no supervision or space for the student so the student must make arrangements to be picked up,PE 8/9 “Outside the Timetable”
For the 2013/14 school year we are offering students in Grades 8 & 9 the opportunity to take PE outside of the timetable. Students who do this will not be at school for either Block A or Block D every second day. (This will depend on scheduling.)
This course is good for students who are active outside of the school already. It’s also good for students who are not as interested in traditional PE classes.Upcoming Dates
Wed. May 29th – 6:30 pm – Orientation Night for future grade 7 students and grade 9 students from Upper Pine….followed by Dessert Night
Wed. May 29th – 7:00-8:00 pm – Dessert Night – for students and families
Fri.Dressing Appropriately
This is just a reminder for parents and students about dressing appropriately for school. DKMS is a public school and we have asked that students dress appropriately for ‘a public workplace’.
We do not wish to be clothing police. We have asked students to wear clothing that does not reveal their underwear or too much skin. Staff will have a conversation with students about their clothing–we have asked students to be respectful and not turn a conversation into a confrontation. Students may be asked to change their clothes,School Supplies 2013/14
For next year we are offering parents and guardians the opportunity to purchase school supplies through School Start. This is completely optional. Regardless of how you plan to purchase school supplies, you can click on the correct link at the bottom of this post.
Bus Meeting Reminder
The School Board is holding an information meeting to gather input into transportation costs.
Click here to read the letter.
Transportation Q & A Session May 16
The meeting is Thursday, May 16th at the School Board Office (10112-105th Ave.) from 5:00-8:00 pm. Trustees and Executive Staff will be available to hear feedback and ideas.